We will get the best out of our students if we have highly effective teachers who can motivate and inspire, whilst also delivering excellent subject knowledge. My role as Director and Lead Mentor is to model these skills with outstanding teaching, deliver a very high quality of training and also offer support and encouragement for trainees to become the very best future teachers. I have been working as a maths mentor for Birmingham for 13 years now, seeing through over 50 students from their PGDipEd course. Having trained on Birmingham’s PGCE course myself, I have been able to see the process from both sides and have first-hand experience of the outstanding training that the University’s School of Education offers. I am extremely passionate about my role as a mentor and I am excited to now be inspiring the next generation of teachers, as the Lead Mentor for Woodrush TC.
Sam Bullivant
Senior Mentor for PGDipEd / School Direct, NQT Induction Tutor and NCETM Approved PD Lead
Email me at: SBullivant@woodrush.org
