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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Excellence Through Endeavour

Have your say

Student Voice & Leadership

At the heart of our school is the voice of students.

We are committed to ensuring that every individual is given opportunities to express their views, ideas and concerns with other students, staff and Academy leadership.

We aim to continually raise the profile of students as decision-makers, leaders, House champions and advocates for the views, experiences and aspirations of the 1000 students that they represent.

Students at Woodrush are given numerous opportunities throughout the year to raise any concerns, ideas and views with their Ambassadors, Councillors, House Leaders and Prefects and will be encouraged to maximise their involvement and engagement in learning and Academy life. Visitors, Parents and Carers will inevitably meet Student Representatives at one of consultation, open evenings or whole school events.

The academy is proud to have over 100 students actively involved in student leadership roles:

  • Our elected Head Students, supported by  Deputy Head Students, are our lead student ambassadors;
  • We have 10 Student Councillors who sit on the Academy Student Council as nominated or elected student representative;
  • We also have Student Prefects who support the coordination and management of school events;
  • We have a range of Student Forums who drive specific aspects of student life at Woodrush;
  • Tutor group consultations and Council Surgeries throughout the year provide opportunities for any student to raise an issue or suggestion with their Student representative body.

To get involved with an aspect of Student Voice or Student Leadership, speak to your Student Councillor or any Prefect.

  • To become a Prefect speak to Mrs Roberts-Lawson
  • To find out how to become a House representative speak to Mrs Holton-Brown or Mrs Roberts-Lawson
  • For information about School Council election or any of our forums below, speak to Mrs Holton-Brown, Mrs Roberts-Lawson or any current forum reps.