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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18


Use the links to access information relevant to our students.


OFSTED (December 2018) said:

· Pupils achieve well because of strong teaching and the exceptional support and care they receive.

· Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. They are courteous, friendly and routinely regulate their own behaviour.

 Pupils have very high expectations of each other’s behaviour.

· Pupils behave extremely well in lessons and no learning time is wasted.

· Pupils are immensely proud of their school and rarely have time off school.

· All pupils feel safe in school and have a secure understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe.

· Students are proud of their school and look after the school environment.

· Pupils wear their uniform with pride and look smart. They are friendly, courteous and respectful of each other and staff.