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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Parents Evening Booking

School Cloud is our new platform for parent’s evenings. We believe it is a more convenient system than what we have used before, to set appointments with teachers and manage your bookings.

To login in please click here:

To login you will need to enter your own name, your email and your child’s name (any child’s name will work if you have multiple children allocated to the same parents evening)

School cloud is a website platform and thus can be accessed from all iPhone and Android phones, iPads and tablets, as well as laptops and desktop devices.

Due to the COVID Pandemic, school cloud also offers us the ability to hold video calls with parents. This means you can have meetings with teachers at a place and time convenient to you.

We intend to hold video calls with parents until DfE guidance supports parents being able to come into school.

We recognise that not everyone may be able to access the online system to make appointments; please contact the school office who will be able to make appointments for you. You may find it useful to inform your child’s form tutor, who can help ensure that appropriate appointments are made. 

Staff will do their best to see as many parents/carers as they can but as you can appreciate some staff may not be able to see everyone who requests an appointment. The new system does have a waiting list , so if a slot becomes available you may be added closer to the evening to see that teacher.

Consultation slots are 5 minutes to enable staff to speak to as many parents as possible.  We require parents and staff to limit discussions to the allocated time to ensure that other parents’ appointments are not compromised. Using the new video call system, the 5-minute slot will be automatically in place so calls will end at this point. Timers can be seen on your screen, so you are able to communicate your messages to staff during the allocated time.

If you have a concern that requires a more lengthy conversation, we request that you contact the school at a separate time.

If you are unable to attend the evening or book an appropriate appointment but would like an update on your son/daughters progress then please contact the appropriate Progress Leader listed below: 

Year 7, 8 & 9: Miss Francis, Mrs Cassidy

 Year 10 & 11 : Mrs Bishop ,  Mr Hardy

Year 12/13 : Miss Ashman