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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Attitude to Learning, Rewards & Behaviour





Achievement and Reward

The aim of giving rewards is to encourage and reinforce the students’ positive achievement and good behaviour as laid out in the school aims, values and ethos.  It is expected that this will feed in to the celebration ethos of the school. At Woodrush we aim to promote high standards – positive encouragement and reward. When students do something well this can be recognised by praise or by comments in their work. The school also formally recognises good standards of achievement by means of:


Achievement logs

Achievement logs are issued for students during lessons in recognition of good or outstanding achievement and/or effort during any given lesson.  Merits, postcards home or a Head Teacher’s Award are issued to the student depending on the extent of the achievement that is being celebrated by their teacher.  Achievement logs are recorded on the student’s file and parents/carers are able to view how many achievement logs their child has via FROG (our online virtual learning space).  Please see Appendix 1 for an outline of Achievement logs.


Blazer flashes  

These are badges that are awarded that are to be sewn onto student’s blazers. These badges are to acknowledge any specific achievements linked to certain subject areas, which may include anything linked to attainment, participation, effort or progress.  The House colour blazer flash is also awarded for 100% attendance at the end of the academic year during the final celebration assembly of the year.


Achievement stickers

Achievement stickers are awarded for high standards of effort, progress and achievement. Achievement stickers are awarded when a student receives a achievement point.


Form Award Boards

Each form tutor has a noticeboard in their form rooms that displays  attendance, achievement and merit figures for their forms.  The Award Board is also used to display information about any other additional achievements or accomplishments by students in their form.


A2L progress

All students will be given an average score from each A2L progress report. Achievement points will be given to all students who get an average score of 1 or 2. These students will be entered into a prize ballot each half term.


Celebration assemblies  

Every half-term the students attend a Celebration assembly for their House.  The focus of these assemblies is to award students for outstanding conduct, sporting achievements, excellent attendance, significant contributions to the extra-curricular life of the school and to recognise and celebrate those students that have achieved the highest number of achievement logs. Student success is also celebrated in the weekly year group assemblies.


Letters, postcards and certificates  

Certificates are also awarded during celebration assemblies.  Added to this, subject teachers, Heads of Year, Heads of Faculty, Progress Leaders and members of the Senior Leadership Team will also send letters and postcards home to celebrate student achievement.


Awards Evening

If students have achieved outstanding success or have made excellent progress during the year or have made a significant contribution to the life of the school or the community, they may be presented with an award at the annual “Awards Evening”.



Please click documents below to find out more information about Learner Achievements and Learner Behaviours