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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18




Messages From Year 7 Students

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. I need to get in touch with the school, who do I contact?
    Please contact reception or contact a member of staff directly. Please bear in mind that teachers can only return your call/email after they have taught their classes for the day. If you need to see a member of staff in person you must schedule in an appointment.
  • General query – reception staff
  • Pastoral query – form tutor or head of year
  • Academic progress query – specific subject teacher or progress leader
  • Special Educational Needs query – Mrs Stafford (SENCO)

Reception phone number: 01564 823777
Reception email address:

  1. What do I do on my 1st day?
    We will send information home (usually a letter or email), outlining what will happen on your first day, what you will need and where to go.
  1. Will I get in trouble if I get lost or forget my uniform/equipment/PE kit?
    Not on day one! It will take you a few days/weeks to get used to the daily routine at Woodrush and all the teachers understand this. We always support where possible. After you have learnt your way around and what you need for school each day we do expect that expectations are met.
  1. What do I do if I lose my PE kit in school?
    Make sure you label your kit with your full name. Any lost kit is handed into student services. Please ask student services if your kit has been handed in and please retrace your steps for that day to find the PE kit. Each student is responsible for their own PE kits.
  1. Will I have any friends from my primary school in my form or classes?
    We have tried to place pupils from each primary in a form with at least one other student they know (if specified). Classes are banded and are based on academic ability, along with information provided by your primary school teachers.
  1. When will I find out who my form tutor is?
    You will receive a letter from your form tutor in your induction pack.  The letter of your form indicates which house you are in (B – Brindley, C – Cadbury, E – Eliot, L – Lanchester)
  1. Will there be any changes in school because of Covid-19?
    The Government have not yet released the guidance for September. Please be reassured that we will keep you updated as soon as we can.
  1. Will the school be open over the summer holidays?
    At the moment we have no plans to open the school over the Summer.
  2. How do I sign up to the Mandarin programme?
    You will be assigned to the Mandarin programme. The MFL department will be liasing with primary schools and will be in contact if you will be a potential student for the mandarin programme.
  1. Can I study Spanish at Woodrush?
    Yes you will study Spanish in Year 7.
  1. Which after school clubs can I attend?
    Please see all the after school clubs available on the extra-curricular tab on the school website. You are welcome to attend any after school club and they are all free!
  1. Can I have 1-2-1 music lessons at Woodrush?
    Yes, please return your interest form to reception (this can be found in your induction pack and in the support for parents area of the Transition portal).


Woodrush High School

Year 7 Transition

School Day Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



  1. When does the school day start and end?
    You must arrive by 8:25am and line up for notices.  School finishes at 3:00pm. After school clubs are until 4:00pm.
  2. What happens if I’m late to school?
    You should always plan to be on time but sometimes situations out of our control happen. If you’re late you must sign in at student services and you must explain why you’re late.
  3. What happens at lunchtime?
    You can either bring a packed lunch or purchase food from school using parent pay. There is a range of food to buy from Aspens Catering. Please let us know if there are any dietary requirements. There is a key stage 3 lunch queue. You can sit in the school hall, café area or use the outside area. There are designated spaces in school to go when it is wet weather outside.
  4. What happens if I need the toilet during a lesson?
    We encourage all students to go to the toilet at break and lunch. If you are desperate, ask your teacher to let you use the KS3 toilets and they will sign your planner.
  5. What happens if I need a drink?
    Bring a refillable bottle and fill it up at one of the water fountains at break or lunch.
  6. What happens if I get lost around school?
    It is daunting starting at secondary school as it is much bigger than your primary school. There is a tour of the school on the transition portal (please watch this) and you will also receive a tour on your first day. If you do get lost, all you have to do is ask a student or teacher to help you find your way. You’ll learn your way around soon enough!
  7. What do I do if I feel upset?
    Tell a teacher and they will help you. Miss Capaldi , Ms Francis and Mrs Cassidy can be found in the year 7 office!
  8. Where do I keep all my things (bag, PE kit, coat)?
    You need to carry all your belongings with you for the school day.
  9. When will I get my planner and timetable?
    You’ll receive these on your first day.
  10. How many lessons are there in a day?
    4, each lasting 75 minutes.