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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Sixth Form Student Perspective


“At Woodrush Sixth, our teachers are not just educators, they are mentors who provide brilliant pastoral support. I feel that staff are committed to ensuring that I reach and exceed my academic potential. I want to go on to do a degree apprenticeship and I feel fully supported by Woodrush Sixth to go on and do that”  

Grace Waterhouse - Head Student 


At Woodrush Sixth form, I feel respected and supported as a young adult. I have always wanted to be in the medical field since I was younger, so to get to that point I have decided to take 4 A-Levels, which can feel overwhelming at times. Here at Woodrush I am supported and listened to, and the staff make sure everyone in Woodrush Sixth feels comfortable. For instance, we are provided with independent study sessions, group study session to support and influence our revision. To add, being part of the student committee allows me to voice my peers and my own opinions to ensure the sixth form space remains beneficial to our wellbeing, our academic studies and allow us to become more independent.  

Daisy Hateley-Smith – Woodrush Sixth Student Councillor 


“At Woodrush Sixth, the way of life is very different to the rest of the school. You are treated much more like an adult and you are allowed much more freedom. We are allowed to timetable our own independent and group study periods and this allows you to complete most of your work within school hours” 

Owen Hemming – Woodrush Sixth Student 


“Having come from another school, Woodrush Sixth has been an amazing place to become a part of. Support from teachers has been brilliant from the moment I started and the sixth form community has become a new family for me. The teachers here are always eager to make adaptations to my needs to allow me to progress as well as possible and I’ve already built a strong support network with them. There’s a constant strive for improvement and progression with regular communication between staff and students which is making the sixth form better every day. The atmosphere here is one in which I can grow and make progress while not being overworked. The balance with work and wellbeing really makes the task of A-levels more bearable and has allowed me to make friends and have fun alongside my studies. It’s a place that makes me grow and improve every day and is a pleasure to be a part of.”  

Annie Venters – Woodrush Sixth Head Student 


“Woodrush Sixth form has given me opportunities I never thought I’d have, such as the chance to visit Auschwitz through the lessons from Auschwitz programme or go to New York which was a bucket list opportunity. These trips meant I spoke to people I never thought I would and made surprising friendships. It also gave me extra independence when given opportunities to explore New York by staff and this gave me a new found confidence. Also the life lessons you learn as part of sixth form such as taking responsibility for your work load and skills such as time management and organisation which are crucial for later life.”  

Emily Cooksey – Woodrush Sixth Head Student 


“At Woodrush Sixth, the quality of teaching and lessons is truly outstanding. My teachers are all very supportive and extremely helpful with helping me towards my dream of studying Physics at University. Excellent opportunities have been provided to me such as being able to volunteer in Maths and Physics classes to give me more experience in the field I want to pursue. In all of my A-levels the lessons are designed to be engaging and informative and the teachers ensure that we understand what we are learning about. The teachers also provide resources and advice to help me and my classmates feel confident and perform our best academically all of which makes me feel lucky to be a member of this excellent sixth form.”  

Isabel Hemmings – Woodrush Sixth Head Student 


“I appreciate the support from the staff, they encourage learning through different ways that allows for successful results. The student societies programme is a wonderful idea that helps us relax whilst leading our own enrichment session. The drama enrichment has also let me contribute to the school production in a creative way outside of my formal learning.” 

Daanish Ahmed – Woodrush Sixth Student