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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Admissions' Advice



Frequently Asked Questions

Am I in the catchment area?

This is the main question we are asked on open evenings. The clearest way to find out is by knowing who you pay your council tax to. If you pay your council tax to Birmingham, Solihull or Warwickshire you are not in the school’s catchment area. If you pay your council tax to Worcestershire, you will need to see whether your house falls inside the boundary in the South and West of the catchment. The village of Weatheroak is not in the school catchment. A map is found on the school website here.

Who are the feeder or contributory schools?

The Contributory schools are Coppice School, Hollywood School, Meadow Green School and Tidbury Green School. Dickens Heath School is no longer a contributory school to Woodrush High School

Why did you change your admissions policy?

The Governors decided to change the admissions arrangements to ensure all students in the catchment area most likely to receive a place at Woodrush. The school falls under Worcestershire Local Authority and therefore it was seen to be important that all children in Worcestershire could join a secondary school in their local authority. Increased house building and Primary schools increasing the student numbers also contributed to the decision.

I live right on the boundary of the catchment – what are my chances of gaining a place?

We can never say for certain whether students close the catchment boundary will be offered a place at Woodrush. It depends whether the child has a sibling or goes to a contributory (feeder) school in the first instance and then distance from the school after that.

My child goes to a contributory school – are they guaranteed a place?

No – you must refer to the admissions criteria for ranking students. Some children who go to a contributory school but live a long way from Woodrush are less likely to be offered a place than those living in the catchment area or closer to the school.

My child has a sibling in year 11 and they are going into the sixth form – do they count as a sibling?

No – A sibling must be in years 8-11 in the September the child will first go to Woodrush. So, for this year, the sibling must be in years 8-11 on 1st September 2021

Children on my street go to Woodrush – will I get a place?

The answer here is ‘not always’ – it depends on where those children were in the year they applied on the admissions ranking criteria. The admissions policy is in its second year of change so they may have been offered a place under a different admissions policy. Please consider your own individual case and refer to the admissions ranking criteria in the current admissions policy

If you have any further questions – please feel free to contact Mr D Monk (Deputy Headteacher) at School –