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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Remote Working

If you have any issues or questions regarding remote working, create a support ticket on Every. If you have forgotten your every password, you can reset it here. You can email as a last resort.

  • Upload work and resources to Teams | Download

  • Create a new Team | Download

  • Set an assignment | Download

  • Convert SMART Notebook files to PowerPoint Presentations | Download

  • Add your voice and record your screen to deliver PowerPoint Presentation as a video | Download

  • Set up a video conference with students | Download

  • Publish a video conference as a video for Students to watch | Download

  • Access files from home using your work laptop | Download

  • Use OneDrive to access files from home | Download

GCSE POD HELP | Download


Quick Access Links: