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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Remote Learning Work and Support

To see how work is being set, Click here

If you have questions about the work, click here.

Any issues logging in or using teams - read this guide
If this doesn't help, click here to log a support request

Video Tutorial - Logging in to Teams



Students should complete work for the lessons they are taught on each day and thus follow their own timetable. Teachers will set work relevant for each lesson, for a number of lessons or may set work each week. Please use your judgement for time spent completing tasks on a daily basis. Students shouldn’t need to be completing more than an hours work for each lesson they receive.

Joining a Teams Video Lesson - Read this guide 

Log into Teams with your school email address and password.
Your email address is your username followed by

Example: If a Year 7's name is John Smith, their school username is 19JohSmi
Their email address is

The password is the same as your computer password in school.
If you have issues logging in, click here.











Use the help guides below for support