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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Revision Support

GCSEPod is a convenient way of providing students with exactly the subject knowledge they need to succeed, in short, sharp, student-friendly 3-5 minute chunks. Small Pods to watch and revise from.

Login: firstnamesurname
Password: DOB

The Maths app successfully highlights your strengths and your areas to develop. Range of Questions across different topics.

Password: firstname

The English Lit app successfully highlights your strengths and your areas to develop from looking at quotes from different texts. 

Password: firstname

Practice your times tables, or compete against the clock.

Login: surnameinitial
Password: firstname

Bitesize is the BBC's free online study support resource for school-age students in the United Kingdom. It is designed to aid students in both schoolwork and, for older students, exams. Be careful to pick the right specification.

No login needed

Memrise is a user-generated learning platform which uses flashcards as memory aids. It specializes in language learning, but also offers content on a wide range of other subjects.Create your own login through registration