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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Equality Forum


The Student Equality Forum focus on the promotion of two priorities:

  • Raising student awareness and understanding of equality issues within our communities
  • Celebrating the rich diversity that forges the unique identity of the communities in which we belong.

Every individual at Woodrush has a right to belong, feel valued and empowered to succeed and realise their potential.

We recognise that equality is a broad and complex issues and it is important that students do not shy away being aware of, discussing, exploring and debating the importance of our varied and multi-faceted identities.

We want every individual in Woodrush to be able dismiss identity misconceptions and stereotypes, confident to challenge prejudice and be empowered to actively contest discrimination.

More broadly, the Student Equality Forum focus on issues such as:

  • Identity and heritage
  • Gender equality
  • Ethnicity and Racial equality
  • Religious diversity
  • Disability awareness and equality
  • Age diversity
  • Community demography

All students are welcome to join the Equality Forum and attend Forum meetings.

For more information, students can speak to Ms Roberts-Lawson